Amended June 1, 1987


  1. Name and Purpose
  2. This organization shall be known as the Bloomington Community Band.
  3. Its purpose shall be:
  4. To contribute positively to the musical environment of the community it serves, whether local or otherwise.
  5. To provide an opportunity for individual musical expression and growth among the membership.
  6. To provide an opportunity for social contact among musicians.
  7. To reaffirm the community concert band position in American music.
  8. Membership
  9. Qualifications for membership:
  10. Any person who is interested in the purpose of the Bloomington Community Band may be considered for membership.
  11. Membership is divided into three categories:
  12. Active membership, which requires attendance at 80 percent or more of all activities of the Band. Board members must be from this group only.
  13. Seasonal membership, which requires contribution while in the area. New members will start out in this group and be re‑evaluated after a ninety day period. This group has no voting rights.
  14. Reserve membership, which is made up of musicians who fill in occasionally to cover absences. This group has no voting rights.
  15. Duties of members:

Membership is a privilege which is bestowed upon those who have indicated a high level of commitment to the purposes and activities of the Band. Such commitment maximizes the positive impact of our work in the community and among ourselves.

III.                 Board of Directors

  1. Executive authority:

The    executive authority of the Band is vested in a Board of Directors whose duties shall include:

  1. Management of the general affairs of the Band, taking all action which is compatible with the best interests of the Band.
  2. Management of the financial affairs of the Band and establishment of an annual budget.
  3. Appointment and dismissal of the Conductor and Assistant Conductor.
  4. Replacement of members of the Board of Directors who are unable to complete their terms of office.
  5. Establishment of a schedule of rehearsals and concerts.
  6. Titles:

The Board of Directors shall consist of:

  1. The following elected members, who must be active members

of the Band:

  1. Business Manager/Publicity Coordinator
  2. Secretary/Treasurer
  3. Librarian
  4. Property Manager
  5. Personnel Manager
  6. Historian
  7. Development Officer
  8. The Conductor
  9. The Assistant Conductor
  10. Organization:
  11. Each new Board shall elect a Chairman, who shall be its presiding officer.
  12. Each member of the Board shall have one vote.
  13. A quorum shall exist when a simple majority of elected Board members are present.
  14. Active members may address the Board upon request to the Board Chairman. Active members are invited to be present at Board meetings.
  15. Election of Board Members:
  16. On or before the first rehearsal in April of each year, the Chairman of the Board shall appoint a three‑member Nomination Committee (one, and only one, of whom shall be a Board member; all of whom shall be members of the Band) for the purpose of preparing a slate of candidates.

Candidates in odd‑numbered years will be:


  • Business Manager/Publicity Coordinator
  • Librarian
  • Historian
  • Development Officer


Candidates in even‑numbered years will be:

  • Secretary/Treasurer
  • Personnel Manager
  • Property Manager.
  1. The Nominating Committee shall present its report at the first rehearsal in May, listing one candidate for each of the positions listed in paragraph 1. above, as

appropriate for the current year.

  1. It shall require a two‑thirds majority vote of the active Band members present and voting to sustain the recommendation of the Nominating Committee. Lacking the required vote, the Nominating Committee shall be instructed to prepare a revised slate for the following rehearsal.
  2. Each elected member of the Board will serve a two‑year term, beginning immediately upon election to the office.
  3. If for any reason a Board member is unable to complete a term, the Board Chairman may announce with at least two weeks notice a special election for a replacement Board member to complete the remaining term. The Chairman will solicit and accept nominations in a special election.
  4. Non‑members may be considered for participation on the Board in an advisory and voting capacity. A majority of active Board members shall approve a nominee based upon many factors but which include the degree of commitment to the Band which the nominee has expressed, a commitment to active participation in Board meetings and influence in the community. Upon Board approval, the nominee shall be appointed by special election and shall serve until the regular election occurring one to two years hence. Advisory members shall not constitute a majority of Board members.
  5. Meetings

Meetings of the Board of Directors and meetings of the full Band membership may be called at the request of the Chairman of the Board. Notice of these meetings must be given at least one week in advance at the scheduled rehearsal or concert.

  1.  Effective Date

This Constitution and By‑laws shall become effective on adoption by a vote of three‑fourths of the active Band members present and voting.

  1. Amendments
  2. This Constitution may be amended by a three‑fourths vote of active members present and voting
  3. Previous notice of a proposed amendment to the Constitution, along with a copy of the proposed amendment, must be presented at a duly constituted meeting of the Band membership at least 30 days or three full rehearsals prior to voting.


  1. Membership
  2. Attendance:

Attendance shall be taken by the Personnel Manager at every rehearsal and concert. Members are expected to play all scheduled concerts and to attend as many scheduled rehearsals as possible.

  1. Students who are members of the Bloomington Community Band are expected to give priority to their school band or orchestra in the event of a conflict of schedules.
  2. Members are expected to give notice as far in advance as possible if they will be unable to take part in a concert.
  3. Dismissal:
  4. Members may be dropped from the roster by vote of the Board of Directors for conduct not compatible with the Band’s best interests.
  5. A member may be dropped from the Band roster by a vote of the Board, if he or she takes the music home and does not return it by the next concert or rehearsal whichever occurs first. Further, if the member fails to return the music, he or she will be billed for its replacement.
  6. A member will also be dropped from the roster if he or she moves from the area.
  7.  Rehearsals:

Rehearsals will be held on Monday evening.

  1. Concert Dress:

The proper costume for regular members for concerts is a Band white T‑shirt. Otherwise a white shirt or blouse with dark trousers or skirt.

  1. Membership dues:

The Board of Directors may establish membership dues annually.

  1. Fund raising:

Major fund raising projects involving extensive member partici­pation shall be subject to approval by a majority vote of the membership.

  1. Concerts:

Concerts outside the Bloomington area shall require approval by a majority vote of active Band members present and voting.

  1. Responsibilities of members:
  2. Members are expected to attend rehearsals and performances as regularly as possible.
  3. b. If a member of the Band cannot attend a scheduled performance, he or she should notify the Director or the Personnel Manager well in advance so that a substitute can be obtained.
  4. c. Inability to be present for a scheduled performance does not excuse one from attending the rehearsal before that concert, because the Band may be rehearsing music to be played at subsequent concerts.
  5. Bring a music stand to rehearsals and concerts.
  6. In sections where there is more than one part, a section leader will have the responsibility to see that all the parts are covered, i.e., at least one player on each part.
  7. Music may be taken home for practice. If for some reason, the player borrowing the music is unable to be present at the next rehearsal or concert, he or she should see that the music is present.
  8. Each player should be on the lookout for persons in the community who should be invited to become Band members. Encourage them to come with you to a rehearsal and/or provide the Director or Personnel Manager with the name and phone number so an official invitation can be extended.
  9. For outdoor concerts, if it is raining at that location 1‑2 hour before the scheduled time, we will not play. It may be better to come and see.
  10. If a member is unavoidably late to a performance, wait until the Director motions you in or until the end of a piece to take your place.
  11. Board of Directors ‑ Duties and Responsibilities:
  12. Business Manager/Publicity Coordinator

The Business Manager shall handle all business that comes before the Band, making arrangements for concerts, trips, and purchases of equipment, and shall be responsible for the printing of handbooks, programs, and brochures, advertising matter, and other appropriate material. The Publicity Coordinator shall promote and publicize all activities of the Band.

  1. Secretary/Treasurer

The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep records of all meetings of the Board of Directors and of the full membership, and other permanent records as may be appropriate. He/she will collect and disburse all funds approved by the Board, and will prepare appropriate financial reports.

  1. Personnel Manager

The Personnel Manager shall keep a record of attendance at concerts and rehearsals, and maintain an up‑to‑date list of active members and their status as previously described, and distribute this list to Band members at least two times per year.

  1. Librarian

The Librarian will care for the music, index the available parts in an orderly manner, will distribute the music folders at all rehearsals and concerts, and will be responsible for the transportation of music to all concert sites.

  1. Property Manager

The Property Manager shall be responsible for the bass drum, Director’s stand, and clothes pins, and make sure they are taken to rehearsals and concerts.

  1. Historian

The Historian’s responsibility is to collect concert programs and publicity pertaining to the Band, and keep this material in an orderly manner.

  1. Development Officer

The Development Officer is responsible for preparing the annual budget, including planned income and expenditures. He/she coordinates fundraising activities and relies upon the input of all board members, especially the Business Manager and Secretary/Treasurer.

  1. Membership at large

It is expected that Band members will, both by volunteering and on request, assist members of the Board of Directors in carrying out their duties.

MAY 1987