February 18, 2019 Board of Directors Meeting

February 18, 2019, called to order at 9:14 pm
PRESENT: Tim Bitzer (Chair), Jerry Jerome (Vice Chair), Phyllis Solnzeff (Historian), Andrew Felt (Development Officer), Richard VanArsdel (Librarian), Ron Hardesty (Assistant Treasurer), Dominic Thompson (Director), Don Talbott (Webmaster), Jenn Strayer (Personnel Manager), Erika Stoner (Secretary). The meeting took place at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, in Bloomington, Indiana.
ABSENT: Doug Davis (Equipment Manager), Hannah Quinn Hughes (Treasurer).

1. Minutes. The minutes from January 2019 were accepted. Actions item were reviewed:
• Change signatories on IUCU account to new Chair and Treasurer, completed.
• Oats option goes to text, completed.
• BMI licensing report completed.
• Code of Conduct discussion with Band completed.
• BCB Financial audit was completed by Roy Elkes, CPA. No anomalies noted.
• Excess Equipment sale (Sound system left, about 90% finished.)

2. Treasurer’s Report.
• Treasurer’s report was accepted as submitted.
Old Business
1. Records Management Committee report: (Jenn Strayer, Don, Jenn, Hannah, Tim, Erika)
• Inventorying all paper and electronic BCB records.
• Putting documents on the Microsoft cloud set up by BCB Webmaster, two back-up copies
ACTION: Complete inventory, copy to cloud, and backup to hard drives by 1 July 2019.

2. New Home for BCB: St Mark’s? Faith Lutheran?
• Board has submitted facility use applications to both churches.

3. Merger of Development and Publicity jobs
• Board unanimously agreed to merge the positions effective the next election cycle.

4. Advertising Sales and Brochure status
• Andrew will talk to Ryan at White Rabbit about layouts, formats, etc.
• Deadline for ads is 01 April.
• Brochures must be printed by first concert on 28 April.

New Business:

1. Scheduling 2019: Vice Chair and Band Manager (Jerry Jerome) announced:
• Bloomington Street Fair will be April 28th.
• Up through June/July we have our usual shows.
• Greenwood has not been in touch with us.
• Jerry confirmed with Danielle McClellan at BCT for Halloween concert.
• Request for Apple Festival Concert in Bloomfield in Oct by Kris Jarman. Board approved.
• Possibly play at the new Switchyard Park amphitheater.
ACTION: Band Manager determine when Switchyard amphitheater opens and if we can play.

2. Who is the Assistant Treasurer?
• Chair sent out an email requesting a volunteer and no band member responded.
• If no volunteer, an existing Board member will have to double up on jobs or we will have to pay an outside contractor.
• IU SPEA has an intern program. We may be able to get an intern who has an accounting background and be able to work for us as a non-profit study program volunteer.
ACTION: Personnel Manager will contact IU’s SPEA to investigate feasibility.

3. Scanner or Copier for BCB?
• Richard: Music size is 9” X 12”. Scanner is 8.5” X 11”
• If we want to scan materials/music, we will have to purchase a scanner.
• Scanners range from $150 – $1,000
• We can continue working with the paper copies
• Librarian thinks it is not worth purchasing a new copier

4. Non-Profit Board Member Certification Training:
• Jennifer, Tim, and Erika will be going to NFP Board certification training on Thursday, February 21, 2019 from 1 – 5.
• Board agreed to fund the $25 per person fee.

5. Board Member Term Limits: This item was tabled for the next meeting on March 18, 2019.

6. Insurance.
• Annual equipment insurance policy is up for renewal.
• Members questioned value of musical library. Is it accurate?
ACTION: Librarian will assess value of library musical folders and send to Ron Hardesty.
• Premium will be approximately $900.
ACTION: Ron Hardesty will write the policy and send INVOICE to TREASURER for payment.
• Ron needs the Federal I.D. number
ACTION: Chair will get Federal ID number to Ron.

7. Pay Pal Account
• BCB has a PayPal account which allows donors to donate directly from our website.
• However, since Lloyd’s death no one has access to the account.
ACTION: Treasurer to get access to existing PayPal account, or start a new one.

8. Recruitment:
• Dr. Joe Car mentioned he saw Janis Stockhouse (BNHS Director) ask alumni to play with existing BNHS Pep band via a Facebook post. This received a very large response from alumni wanting to play.
ACTION: Secretary to ask Janis Stockhouse to recruit these same alumni for the BCB.

Individual Officer Reports:
1. Personnel Manager: New member Folders are completed and will be distributed to all new members. They are kept in the music folder tub. Section leaders have the responsibility to distribute them to new members in their respective sections. Member Biographies are coming in, when she gets them, she will send them out.
2. Historian: NSTR
3. Equipment Manager: NSTR
4. Librarian: NSTR
5. Webmaster: NSTR
6. Business Development: NSTR
7. Treasurer: NSTR
8. Secretary: NSTR
9. Director: We need more Clarinets.
10. Vice Chair/Band Manager: NSTR
11. Chair: NSTR

Meeting adjourned at 10:13 pm.
Respectfully submitted,