BCB Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
June 19, 2017, Bell Trace
Present: Jerry Jerome, Don Westerhaus, Julie Kraft, Bill McGregor, Doug Davis, Jenn Strayer, Gary Wiggins, Lloyd Orr, Bob Appelman, Kyle Hetrick, and Ryan Yahl
Absent: Joseph Car
Meeting called to order at 8:20
- April Minutes
- Bob proposed to discuss minutes; Don seconded.
- Doug asked to clarify that Jerry would contact Bloom magazine for a new article about the band.
- Minutes accepted.
- Treasurer’s reports for April and May (see separate files)
- Bill moved to accept minutes; Jenn seconded.
- Minutes accepted.
- Library intern
- Jenn moved to approve Sarah Mason 2018 Ralph Papakhian Library Intern; Gary seconded.
- Intern accepted.
- 2017-2018 Operating Budget
- Jenn moved to accept the budget as proposed; Bill seconded.
- Budget passed.
- 4th Street Festival
- Bill suggested asking for a better location, near the BSO, for the band booth, especially because the band provides free music for the event.
- Extra music stands
- Doug wondered if we should we sell extra ones.
- Attendees generally agreed that we should keep them to replace old ones as they deteriorate. Ones getting loose or otherwise becoming damaged should be set aside.
- Uniform
- Jerry: We need a section leaders’ meeting to remind section leaders to remind members about long pants for indoor concerts and other uniform concerns. Ryan will schedule this soon.
- Doug: Recommend that someone is in charge of designating a place to put cases and bags.
- Don will add the location to emails.
- Survey for out-of-own concerts
- Don is sending a Survey Monkey email about whether people will attend and need rides.
- Especially important that people come to Carmel because we’ve cancelled before.
- Julie pointed out that there’s been some confusion about whether the Carmel concert is back-to-back with another event that day.
- Note: The double-header is now going to be for the Farmer’s Market and McCormick’s Creek.
- Don will adjust the survey to mention that we’re no longer doing two concerts that day.
- Ryan: Thanks for a great concert.
- Doug moved to adjourn at 8:45; Jenn seconded.