OCTOBER 15, 2018, called to order at 9:14 pm
In attendance: Jerry Jerome, Tim Bitzer, Doug Davis, Phyllis Solnzeff, Lloyd Orr, Andrew Felt, Richard VanArsdel, Joe Car, Ron Hardesty, Bob Appelman, Dominic Thompson, Don Talbott, Jenn Strayer, Erika Stoner, Hannah Hughes
Jerry welcomed 2019-2020 Board Members Hannah Hughes (Treasurer) and Erika Stoner (Secretary) to the meeting.
- Minutes
The minutes from the September 24, 2018, Board Meeting were approved as amended.
- Treasurer’s Report
Lloyd noted a $550 deposit as a result of several Hungry Five (German Band) performances. Questions arose concerning the rental of a storage unit ($45/mo with one free month) for six months for excess percussion equipment. There has been no determination as to how long the unit must be rented. There is apparently nowhere else to store the equipment.
Old Business
- Uniforms/Shirts
There was again considerable discussion on the issue of tucking in shirts with no clear consensus on either side. In order to conclude the issue, Doug made the following motion: Men shall tuck their shirts in unless there is a compelling physical reason they cannot do so. Women will wear their shirts untucked. This will take effect for the concert season in 2019. The motion was seconded and a vote of 6 to 4 passed the motion.
- Audit Committee
A person to perform the audit will be selected within the next week.
- Merging Directors
This issue involved the earlier suggestion of combining the Development Director and the Publicity Director Board positions. Doug expressed the positive belief of committee members Lloyd and Andrew. Having no apparent opposition from the Board, a position description will be drafted by Doug for discussion at a Board meeting early next year. It was noted that the BCB constitution will have to be changed if it passes.
- Rules of the Road
A draft of this document which spells out expectations and responsibilities for all band members during rehearsals and concerts was discussed. It was also mentioned that the section leaders have had an opportunity to examine the document and had no objections. A motion was proffered and seconded and a unanimous vote ensued adopting the document. It will be given to all members and laminated and put into the music folders. The content of the document will be discussed with the band at the first rehearsal of each year by the Director and Band Manager. Doug will ensure the document is laminated.
New Business (and “around the room”)
Lloyd discussed coming to the BCT with his Delorean as an audience draw for the concert.
Richard discussed the library reduction project which will cull music unlikely to be played in order to get room for our expanding library. A crew will meet next week.
Phyllis wondered if the storage unit had room for the BCB history tubs…it does not.
Andrew will be distributing advertising for our Halloween concert and getting it on community calendars very soon.
Jenn will have the new member brochure ready for review at the next Board meeting. It will include the new dress code.
Lloyd has been working with Jenn to improve our dues collection. We still have a few members who have not paid for this year.
Dominick said he is getting Christmas music ready to put in the folders.
Tim said he will have to contact the College Mall again to see why they have not responded to our request for a holiday concert.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Doug Davis, Secretary