October 19, 2015 Board of Directors Meeting

Bloomington Community Band Board Meeting Minutes

October 19, 2015.

Meeting Called to order 9:04pm

In attendance: Jerry Jerome, Christy Townsend, Bob Appelman, Don Westerhaus, Joe Car, Anita Elsey(visitor), Doug Davis, Lloyd Orr, Phyllis Solnzeff (visitor), Phil DiLavore, Gary Wiggins, Bill McGregor, Don Talbott, Kyle Hetrick, Jen Strayer, Patrick Zito (visitor).

Not in attendance: Guy Hardy

Motion to accept minutes as they are amended: Phil, seconded by Doug.  Motion Passes

Treasurer’s Report: September was a large revenue month because of the Legion breakfast and brochure ads.  We received $1300 from the American Legion breakfast.  Motion to accept both September and October Treasurer’s Report made by Christy, Don Westerhaus seconds.  Motion passes.

Meadowood paid us for brochure ads for both last year and this year.  Yay!  Redbud and Kuhn still have not paid us.  It’s about $400 outstanding.

Concert Schedule Questionnaire

Gary believes that we play too many concerts, especially considering the dismal out-of-town concert attendance and the auxiliary groups.  He proposes that we solicit feedback from the band about how many concerts we should play in any given year.  Christy feels that we should survey the band using the hand-raised method.  Christy will take the lead on it.

Board Meeting

The suggestion has been made that we may not need a board meeting every month, that we meet every other month.  Christy is concerned that it might impact the budget.  However, Lloyd does not see an issue with this.  Doug thinks that we already need an hour meeting, but Gary thinks we’ll fill up the time we have.  Don Westerhaus suggests quarterly, but regardless we’ll get it done.  Doug suggests an Executive Committee to follow up on decisions made in board meetings.  This would put it on a 5-meeting schedule, including our January planning meeting.

Doug moves that beginning next calendar year, we have board meetings in January, March, June, August, and November, with the option to have special meetings called if necessary.  Bill seconds.  Motion passes.

Concert Dress Code

We should strive to look our best for the Tivoli concert.  Don Westerhaus will send out an email to this effect.  We will table a discussion of ‘formal’ concert dress until January.

Rehearsal Space

Jerry visited St. Thomas to see what’s going on.  They still haven’t received the glass for the windows in St. Thomas.  So we are at the mercy of that glass company.  As soon as Jerry knows, he will tell us.


The Tivoli is sending out our poster.  Bill will be putting our info out to the usual channels.

Board Member Responsibility

Jerry is appointing a committee to study the board members’ responsibilities so that we all know what we should be doing, and so we can make any changes if necessary.

Conductor Stand

The Conductor needs a new music stand.  We should discuss purchasing a new one.


However, she does not have an instrument.  We should discuss the possibility of purchasing one, or to set up a rental program to rent one.

Meeting adjourned at 10:02pm